Prior Year Rebuilds
Streamline can complete any historical bookkeeping as if we were there when the transactions happened real time. Companies that know that their books are not accurate should consider a “do over” especially if there’s a significant tax liability or if they’ve not maintained their books.
How we deliver results
- Identify the needs of your company
- Create a custom plan tailored for your business
- Deliver results within scope and on time
- All at a FIXED cost!!
“…When we came to them we had books to recreate and needed help with taxes, 1099 filing and everything bookkeeping related…Their services have been such a lifeline for us we couldn’t imagine running our business any other way!”
M. Demink • Rare Stock LLC
Prior Year Rebuild Features
- Rebuild all business activities from the clients bank, credit card, line of credit, payroll, expenses, and accounts receivable sections.
- Produce an accurate Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet as if the bookkeeping was done on time originally.
Our Passion for Service
We enjoy working with a wide variety of service industry businesses, and providing solutions to their unique challenges and situations.